Please see the below fees charged for the servicing of your loan. This is not a complete list that could be assessed but is being provided for your information. If you have any questions, please call the Mortgage Servicing team at 518-783-1234.
Late Fee As Provided In Your Promissory Note
NSF Fee for returned check or ACH $30
Partial Release or Granting of Easement $250
Subordination Fee $250
Recast Fee (fee waived for first recast) $250
Default Fees follow state and local requirements as well as investor and insurer guidelines. Fees also change based on the type of loan, unpaid balance due, delinquency status as well as the property location, location and size. Default and bankruptcy fees/costs reflect the amount of the invoice paid to a third party such as a property inspection company or foreclosure/bankruptcy attorney for services rendered. If you have any questions on a fee not detailed below or are seeking an exact amount incurred, please call the Loss Mitigation team at 518-783-1234.
Property Inspections $15-30 per inspection
Broker Price Opinion (BPO) $100-$250 per review
Securing the Property $100-$1,500 per visit
Lawn Care/Snow Removal $25-$500 per visit
Winterize/De-Winterization $100-$1,000 per event
Utilities Based on local utilities
Foreclosure Attorney Costs/Fees $200-$6,000 per uncontested foreclosure action
Process Server $250+ depending on number of parties to be served
Publication/Posting $350-plus depending on type of publication
Title Fees $125 plus per foreclosure action
Bankruptcy Attorney Costs/Fees $125 plus per uncontested bankruptcy action